Safer Streets

We Need Safer Streets

Bottom Line Up Front

The streets throughout Washington, DC continue to be unsafe for drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians -- people.  Unfortunately, it is challenging to get safety issues addressed in a comprehensive manner.  The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has never done a Livability Study for our area, and it is unlikely they will anytime soon -- the last one they did in DC was in 2021.  Therefore, it is up to us to push for safer streets wherever we can!

Take Action to Make our Neighborhood Streets Safer: Submit a 311 Traffic Safety Input.

Want to do more?

Map of submitted Traffic Safety Inputs for 5B01 from DDOT's Traffic Safety Inputs Dashboard as of April 14, 2024.

Where The Issues Are

We know where the unsafe streets are in our neighborhood -- we live here!  Telling DDOT about safety issues you see and experience via the 311 Traffic Safety Input process is the single-most important step you can take to make our neighborhood streets safer!

Every 311 TSI Request is tracked by DDOT.  Each quarter, DDOT selects 200 locations to investigate based on their TSI 2.0 criteria.

Neighborhood SAfety Gaps

This map shows issues (and some successes!) in our neighborhood.

Street Safety Successes


Take Action

If you see or experience unsafe streets - vehicles speeding, failing to stop/yield, cut through traffic, people at risk -- then the most important action you can take is to put in a 311 Traffic Safety Input Request.  The Traffic Safety Input will then be loaded into DDOT's tracker and boost chances our neighborhood streets will be made safer by DDOT.

What Else Can I Do?

You can attend Commission 5B's Transportation and Public Space Committee Meetings and even volunteer to help!

If you want to do more, let me know!