
AN Open and Engaging Commission 5B


No single Commissioner can do it all, and many residents have expressed a desire to get involved.  I support establishing committees to be empowered to seek the best solutions for 5B.  As of March 20, 2024, Commission 5B has a Transportation and Public Space Committee!  As of September 18, 2024, Commission 5B has a Communications and Outreach Committee!


Advisory Neighborhood Commissions are able to issue grants to support local projects.  I support ensuring Commission 5B is financially sound and has the ability to issue grants.  As of October 18, 2023, Commission 5B has a Grants Program!

At Commission 5B's Public Meeting on June 26, 2024, allegations were publicly made by my colleague, Commissioner Amin, regarding Commission 5B's grant-making process, whether a request made in 2023 was unfairly denied, and a lack of transparency.  As Commission 5B's Treasurer, I take these matters seriously and therefore issued a public letter to Commissioner Amin on this matter.

My Actions