Addressing Crime
I want to emphasize that crime, especially violent crime, in our neighborhood is unacceptable. When it impacts someone in our neighborhood or city, directly or indirectly, it can have long lasting and devastating effects. We should not forget incidents of gun violence occur too frequently across DC. Additionally, our neighborhood is not immune as one can see on the MPD Crime Card tool.
Through conversations and neighbors reaching out, I've heard about abandoned cars, poor lighting, and places where suspected illicit activity occur. The broader neighborhood has also experienced rare, but unfortunate, incidents resulting in homicide, as well as shootings and school lockdowns.
Addressing crime, especially violent crime, is challenging, and I believe it takes a comprehensive approach. There is is no single solution. My plan is still to:
Continue learning more about all the resources available for the community, as well as concepts such as Responsive Policing and the Whole-of-Government approach;
Engage with our community, learn about issues, and seek input on ways to address these challenges; and
Work with MPD and DC Agencies, and hold them accountable for their work.
Better lighting throughout the neighborhood thanks to the DC Smart Street Lights program! Read about the initial installation in August 2023 and learn more about the program. If you need your street light adjusted, put in a 311 Service Request!
More aggressive enforcement of abandoned vehicles thanks to working together with DPW, Mt. Rainier, and neighbors taking action! I've documented my efforts on Eastern Avenue to address abandoned vehicles and have worked with neighbors to get abandoned and inoperable vehicles taken care of throughout the neighborhood. If you need an abandoned or dangerous vehicle taken care of, put in a 311 Service Request!
Raising awareness of programs and services neighbors can use, including:
MPD's (5th District) Package Decoy Program, where you can volunteer to let MPD use your porch to catch porch pirates.
The Package Decoy Initiative consists of, "plac[ing] a package with an apple air tag in side on the residence porch with additional units doing surveillance. If the surveillance units see the package being removed they will move in and make an arrest. The air tag assists if the officers lose sight of the suspects. The units have been doing this in areas that have seen a large volume of package thefts." If interested in volunteering to let their porch be used just email the commander:"
MPD's Text the Police Program, if you are uncomfortable calling 911 report an issue to MPD directly via SMS text to 50411: Text the Police: 50411 | mpdc.
MPD's Online Property Crimes Report Filing System:
DC's Private Security Camera Incentive Program where you can get a rebate or voucher to purchase and install security cameras which are a proven way to help MPD solve crimes. See:
Calling upon MPD to attend Commission 5B's public meetings. MPD (4th District and 5th District) had dropped off attending Commission 5B's public meetings, so I have been ensuring they know the Commission wants them present to ensure neighbors have an opportunity to engage. While I cannot guarantee they attend, I can assure you they know the date, time, and how to connect!
If you have recommendations or concerns, please do not hesitate to Contact Me.