About 5B01

5B01 is called a Single Member District (SMD) because it is one of 7 districts within the newly redrawn ANC 5B.  Redistricting took effect January 2, 2023.

The new 5B01 is bounded by Eastern, Randolph (Bunker Hill), 24th, Quincy, South Dakota, Webster, 17th, Allison, and Michigan Ave NE.  I have attempted to show this on the adjacent map.

To see all ANC Districts, I recommend OpenANC : Redistricting Maps 

Unsure whether you live in 5B01 or not?  Use the city's Locate Your ANC tool!

ANC 5B01 has approximately 1,858 residents, is largely residential, although it has two main commercial areas: one at Michigan and Eastern NE, and the other on Bunker Hill Road between 20th and 21st NE.  The HSC Pediatric Center is also located within the district.


Neighborhood Organizations include:

If you know of additional information I should add here, please Contact Me.

Other Links of Interest

A non exhaustive list of links with interesting facts and history about the neighborhood.