311 Service Requests
Submitting a 311: The Most Important Step
Bottom Line Up Front
Whether you want a Street Tree Pruned, Bulk Trash Picked Up, or a Safer Street, it all starts with a 311 request. Anyone can submit a 311 request by calling 311 (or 202-737-4404), sending a sms/text to 32311, going to 311.dc.gov, or even tweeting at @311DCgov. For many issues, I cannot assist without 311 request to reference.
How To Submit an Effective 311
Abandoned Vehicle - On Public Property (or Private Property)
WHAT: The Abandoned Vehicle - On Public Property request is the way to get an abandoned vehicle parked on the street, or any public space, dealt with. DPW aims to handle Abandoned Vehicles on Public Property within 13 business days. If the vehicle is a Dangerous Vehicle, DPW aims to handle within 24 hours.
If the vehicle is parked on private property, you must submit an "Abandoned Vehicle - On Private Property" request. If a vehicle is on private property, even if abandoned, there are more legal hurdles to address the issue and the process will take longer. However, the 311 process is the same.
Please note, to qualify as abandoned the vehicle MUST be on public space for more than 48 hours and on private space for more than 30 days, AND it must be:
apparently inoperable, including: missing its transmission, motor, or one or more tires, and it is not undergoing emergency repair OR
harboring rats, vermin, and other pests OR
not displaying valid tags / registration (registration must be MORE THAN 1 year out of date).
To qualify as a Dangerous Vehicle, it must be:
extensively damaged, including damaged by fire or exposed broken glass / metal shards are present OR
has another dangerous condition that poses an imminent hazard to public health, safety, or welfare.
See DPW's page on Removal of Abandoned and Dangerous Vehicles for more information.
To see examples of Abandoned Vehicles - On Public Property, check out this news post.
After selecting "Abandoned Vehicle - On Public Property" (or On Private Property) as the 311 request type, select the address closest to the issue. You can search by block number, such as "4000 Block of Eastern Avenue NE." You can also search by intersection, such as "20th Street and Quincy Street NE."
A picture speaks 1000 words! Adding photos of the concern(s) will help.
You must include how long you've observed the vehicle as abandoned! This is to establish whether it qualifies (48 hours for public space/ 30 days for private space)
Under "Reason for Abandoned vehicle request?" If you select "Extensive Damage" and/or "Burnt Vehicle" the request will be handled for a Dangerous Vehicle. The other criteria is to qualify as an Abandoned Vehicle.
In the other questions, try to describe the vehicle as much as possible. If the tags/registration is expired, it must be more than 1 year out of date. Include a photo!
Streetlight Repair Investigation
WHAT: This is the way to get a streetlight repaired OR adjusted. Additionally, if your streetlight is blocked due to trees/branches, you can use this request as well.
After selecting "Streetlight Repair Investigation" as the 311 request type, select the address closest to the issue. You can search by block number, such as "4000 Block of Eastern Avenue NE." You can also search by intersection, such as "20th Street and Quincy Street NE."
A picture speaks 1000 words! Adding photos of the concern(s) will help.
You must include the pole number! It should be a black and yellow band of numbers. (See photo below for example).
If you want the streetlight brighter (or dimmer) put comments in "Additional Information."
The pole number here is 805404-660040.
Traffic Safety Input
WHAT: This is the way to make a street safer. You can read more about Traffic Safety Inputs on DDOT's website.
After selecting "Traffic Safety Input" as the 311 request type, select the address closest to the issue. You can search by block number, such as "4000 Block of Eastern Avenue NE." You can also search by intersection, such as "20th Street and Quincy Street NE."
A picture speaks 1000 words! Adding photos of the safety concern(s) (or the missing safety solution) will help. When DDOT conducts an investigation they may only be at the location for a few hours. There is no guarantee they will see what you see!
TIP: If you have a video of the safety concern, upload it to YouTube (or other video hosting service) and include the URL (link) to the video in the "Additional Information" section!
Select the main issue ("Nature of the Traffic Safety Concern") and then describe the safety issue. Try to be as specific as possible regarding both the issue as well as solutions to consider. If you want DDOT to consider an "All Way Stop" you should say so. Otherwise, it does not guarantee they will consider that option!
If the solution you want is Automated Traffic Enforcement (aka. Speed / Stop sign / Stoplight Cameras) you must select "Yes" on that question. If you want additional solutions considered, put in a 2nd Traffic Safety Input.
Repeat the solutions you want considered in the "Additional Information" section. Examples: Please consider an all way stop. Please consider marking crosswalks as required by the DDOT Engineering and Design Manual. Etc.
Remember: a "Traffic Safety Input," is only for a single block or intersection. If you want a whole street to be safer, put in a request for each block!
Tree Inspection
WHAT: If you are concerned about a public tree (street tree), such as the limbs pose a risk to your home, you are worried it could fall this is the request to use. If it has already fallen, but is not an emergency, submit a Tree Removal request. The Service Goal for this request is 5 business days, but can take up to 30. If it has already fallen and has caused injuries, structural damage to a home, or is blocking the street, call 911! You can learn more about DDOT Urban Forestry's requests on their site.
After selecting "Tree Inspection" as the 311 request type, select the address closest to the issue. Because there are so many street trees, it is important you select the address closest to the tree.
A picture speaks 1000 words! Adding photos of the tree concern(s) will help. When Urban Forestry conducts an investigation they may only be at the location for a few hours. There is no guarantee they will see what you see!
Select the main issue ("Specific Issue with the Tree") and then describe it in more detail in the Additional Information section. Try to be as specific as possible.
Tree Removal
WHAT: If the tree is already dead, badly damaged, or has fallen, submit a Tree Removal request. While online it states it can take up to 180 days to resolve, if it is causing an issue, after you submit the 311 Contact Me or DDOT Urban Forestry and ensure the priority is elevated. If it has already fallen and has caused injuries, structural damage to a home, or is blocking the street, call 911! You can learn more about DDOT Urban Forestry's requests on their site.
After selecting "Tree Removal" as the 311 request type, select the address closest to the issue. Because there are so many street trees, it is important you select the address closest to the tree.
A picture speaks 1000 words! Adding photos of the tree concern(s) will help. When Urban Forestry reviews tickets, the phone will help convey urgency.
Describe the issue and the impacts in more detail in the Additional Information section. Try to be as specific as possible.