
Community Cleanups

Join Commissioner Borrego and neighbors every quarter for a 5B01 Neighborhood Meeting and Park Cleanup at Bunker Hill Park!

Check Events for the next opportunity!

my experience

Bag of trash from July 22, 2022.  See the related post on twitter.

A single serving sized glass bottle of Khor vodka held up by Edward's hand wearing a rubberized glove.

Some streets have lots of glass bottles.  Glass is particularly troublesome because if you don't get it soon, it'll break!  See the related post on twitter.

A wagon pulling a trash can and box with trash and recyclables.

Easter trash pickup! I generally pick up trash for an hour or less (or when the bag gets too heavy).  This time I incorporated the wagon.  See the related post on twitter.

Street corner of Allison and 19th northeast, showing carboard strewn on the ground.

Cardboard on the ground at Allison and 19th NE.  While I occasionally pick up trash outside our neighborhood, the 4-6 blocks nearby keep me busy!  See the related post on twitter.

what i plan to do

I plan to try and talk to neighbors about this.  I do not yet know what the solution looks like -- is it getting volunteers to participate in the Adopt-a-Block program?  What about learning from successful neighborhood organizations like the Queens Chapel Civic Association?  Is it forming a neighborhood non-profit organization, similar to the ones used for some parks?  Is it seeking a way to hire part-time professional help?  Is it pushing the city and the council to do more?  Likely, the solution has multiple answers!  Let's find out together!